Skip Klein

Skip Klein fell in love with photography as a boy when he saw an image magically appear for the first time in the Dektol in the Friends School darkroom. At the age of 13, he traded in all twelve Cross Pen & Pencil sets he received as gifts for his Bar Mitzvah for his first camera, a compact Rollei 35mm. With the help of mentor Sam Abell and influencers Walker Evans, Arnold Newman, and Brassai, Skip is now focusing on environmental portraiture and documentary street photography.   His goal is to capture the true essence of people through a series of candid portraits–most of the time when the people are aware and engaged, but sometimes when they are not!  Skip has fallen in love with Cuba and its very warm and wonderful people, who are beautiful, kind, and normally quite willing subjects–tu foto, por favor?!

View Klein's personal website.